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Lives in New York City, USA


Damjanski is an artist living in a browser. Concerned with themes of power, poetry and participation, he explores the concept of apps as artworks since 2008. The app 'Bye Bye Camera' is the camera for the post-human era. Every picture people take automatically removes any person. The app 'Never Not There' virtually transformed the ZKM museum in Karlsruhe, Germany into a new space that visitors can explore and the "LongARcat" app creates long cats in AR.

In 2018, he co-founded 'MoMAR', an Augmented Reality gallery app aimed at democratizing physical exhibition spaces, art institutions and curatorial processes within New York’s Museum of Modern Art. WIRED covered the launch with the headline "Augmented Reality Is Transforming Museums". In 2017, he created an online space that only programs can access. This software performance ,called 'Humans not invited', first hit Reddit’s front page before it was shown at the König Galerie in Berlin, Germany.

His work has appeared internationally, including exhibitions at ZKM Karlsruhe, NRW-Forum, Postmasters, König Galerie, Roehrs & Boetsch, Pioneer Works.

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